Bauer Highlands Home



Architectural Review Committee
Sue Harvey, Chair
Responsible for reviewing and approving applications submitted to ARC by homeowners pertaining to home projects. If you have any questions pertaining to ARC related issues, please contact the Chair at

Most homeowners are not aware of when they should submit an ARC application for home projects. Here is a list of projects that would need approval by the ARC Committee prior to implementation. When in doubt whether a homeowner needs to submit an ARC form for a particular home project, please contact the ARC Chairman at

  1. Any exterior changes to home including painting and structural changes.
  2. Any additions or changes to homes including patios, walls, fencing, storage shelters, swimming pools, spas, landscaping, greenhouses, basketball hoops or remodeling.
  3. Re-landscaping of front yard including removal of grass and trees
ARC Application Form
Please submit completed ARC applications via email, fax or mail to CA Partners at or fax to 503-546-3401 or mail to PO Box 91055, Portland, OR 97291. If there are samples of colors that are included on the form, we suggest you email or mail your application so the ARC Committee will be able to view the colors.

House Paint Color Templates
Use as a guide when determining exterior colors for homes.

Here are some Articles from the CC&R's that state the function of the ARC and what types of projects a homeowner must obtain ARC approval for. These are abridged summaries from the CC&Rs. To read complete Article summaries, please refer to the CC&Rs.

Article 6.1
Architectural Review
No improvement shall be commenced, erected, placed or altered on any Lot until the construction plans and specifications showing the nature, shape, heights, materials, colors, and proposed location of the improvement have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ARC. It is the intent and purpose of this Declaration to assure quality of workmanship and materials and to assure harmony of exterior design with the existing improvements and landscaping. The ARC is not responsible for determining compliance with structural and building codes, solar ordinances, zoning codes or other governmental regulations, all of which are the responsibility of the Lot Owners. The procedure and specific requirements for review and approval of construction may be set forth in design guidelines adopted from time to time by the ARC

Article 4.13
Walls, Fences and Hedges
No walls, fences or boundary hedges shall be installed without prior written approval of the ARC. Any walls or fencing installed on Owner's Lots either by Owner, or by Declarant, other than the Masonry Wall, will be Owner's maintenance responsibility. All walls and fences that are Owner's responsibility are to be maintained in condition acceptable to Board and ARC.

Article 4.2
Except for construction performed by or contracted for by Declarant, no construction, reconstruction or exterior alterations should occur on any Lot, unless the approval of the ARC is first obtained pursuant to Article 6. Consideration such as siting, shape, size, color, design, height, solar access, or material may be taken into account by the ARC in determining whether or not to consent to any proposed work. Such work includes but is not limited to Homes, storage shelters, swimming pools, spas, landscaping, greenhouses, patios, fencing, basketball hoops or remodeling.



Bauer Highlands Homeowners Association 2013© | Site by Julie Martinez